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Sunday, October 24, 2010

why 'S'

haha what is 'S' actually. I purposely didn't write it in full spelling cause I hate that word really. huhu people keep asking me 'why are u still single'...yes the 'S' word is definitely for 'single' and hell yeah i still hate it and my answer would be, 'cause i luv n hepi to be single' (ironically) of course i'm lying....most of us don't want to be single......tipulah kalo korg ckp korg suke duk single...but if u are, then u are an extraordinary person..haha lol. but sometimes my answer would be 'i like to be like oldies, biar mk bpk y plih'..haha lol..I know this might be ridiculous but…..yeah it is true – ‘sy trma ja sape2 y msk meminang sy’ huhu.. they ‘shocked!’..haha to extend of ‘this’ statement, I would like to make it as clear as crystal about this. Some of my friends did asked me about my Mr.Right I mean partner life. because they too curious why am I still single.(heh ske ati la ak nk single ke double ke…=p) am I too choosy.? Absolutely not. If I am a choosy one, then my criteria would be---à handsome man, rich man (so that he can bring me travel to Eiffel Tower..huhu I luv eiffel tower), high standard worker n again handsome and handsome and handsome..lol…(n stiap kli raya blk umah ak jek..haha) nonsense!ridiculous! (smpi ke tua la ak x kawen) because I know the probability to get all the criterias is only 1%...it’s unachievable…who I am to do so. I don’t need all that. I don't need his 'handsome'. I don't need his wealth...all I need is just he himself. The only thing that I need is a loving heart. I want a heart who can love me forever ( dunia & akhirat ) insyaAllah, amin. It is more than enough. It’s just because nobody can’t neither buy nor sell the heart. A guy who dare to make a confession that he likes me is a guy who dare to give his heart to me. (so far xde lg la y brani mngaku..haha sbb tu la duk single smpi ke tua..haha) but, we cannot force it as well. It comes naturally. Everything comes naturally, why would i be worry then.. it should be no problem if I stay single till the last because Allah knows what BEST for me. so I just let my parents choose my future husband because I believe they will choose da best for me. Plus, I do believe with what they said that “parents’ choice” is the best rather than “lady’s choice”,…hehe yet, I still can enjoy liking any guy that I want (sje syok2..thay guy bkn tau pon ak ska dia..h0h0 suke diam2 sudeh..=p) because it is natural and normal a woman like a man.. a woman like a woman that’s abnormal and forbiden. (kata2 dipetik dr pakcik Rosdi) huhu.....so,as a conclusion happy to be single. haha

Thursday, October 21, 2010

just the way you are

omg this song is amazing. I lovee this song. I was like "best giler lagu nih! I want a guy like that!" huhu this has to be the sweetest song I've ever heard! I really want a guy to dedicate this song to me someday..its beautiful! I'd be the happiest girl in the world if a guy said that to me.*lovetruck* huhu..lol


It's Saturday. Saturday reminds me about last week. My parents went for pilgrimage to mecca last Saturday. Sending them to airport is the most hate part. (huhu x suke3) they're leaving. I can't stop my teardrop to fall down. I burst into tears. I don't know why. It's just my eyes want to cry huhu...ok off with the sad part...now come to the dazzle part which is i never ever ever do this before but last Saturday i did. I've mentioned his name for the first time and his prayers as well to my mum.crazy huh?..huhu...*blushing*.....I don't know..it's just my mouth want to say that..hehe...(I hope my parents will pray the best for us)...and also my relatives' and friends' prayers because they said mecca is the holy place where our prayer would be accepted and fulfilled.huhu amin! May Allah granted us syurga jannah and obviate us from hell, amin.

**Smg my parents selamat pergi & selamat pulang, amin ^_^

Sunday, October 17, 2010


they said stress is good..it shows that your life is normal..huhu (normal ker...) i'm to0 stress of what happen around me. so many things happened. i'm merely human full of weaknesses. i HAVE TO depend on HIM. only HIM no others. cmon tasnim, bertahan!

**smg Allah bg kekuatan pd ku..huhu